
Am I Racist: Trump Edition

Given the recent Trump phenomenon, the political-correctness backlash, and the counter-charge that liberals routinely and unfairly deploy the accusation that conservatives are racist, I wanted to take minute to grapple […]


New Short Story!

Her eyes narrowed like a cat’s. “You won’t be removed. I have it on good authority they find you too valuable to take out of the game entirely. But you […]

Commentary - Politics

Gun Control, Part II

Another week, another shooting, another month, another mass shooting, another quarter, another particularly startling mass shooting.  I’m actually writing this at the end of a week where we managed TWO […]


Fear and DIY in Texas

In high school, I went on a fantastic 3-day trip to Lake George. The scene was idyllic: we camped on the islands in the lake, and traveled by canoe, carrying […]


On “Militant Atheism”

Today this happened. Reactions have been predictable. I take particular issue with this one, one of many to make the claim that so-called “militant atheism” is to blame. It’s not. […]


A Slight Turn.

Quick announcement: I’m pretty sure I’ve departed from the traditional left-wing. How does this happen? I trace this sensation back to when I enrolled my daughter at her public charter […]