Commentary - Culture - Personal

Driving the Narrative

I’m not sure exactly when I started taking note that Elon might be becoming a problem.  I was never an Elon fanboy, at one point he was going to Mars, and that seemed interesting, and I certainly appreciated what he had done with the car, but I just didn’t give it any thought.  In fact, after the Thailand cave boys crisis, when he called a rescuer a Pedo Guy, it became apparent that he may have something really wrong with him.

From Quora

My 5 Writing Tips

I could make dozens of these, perhaps when I publish a book I will come back to it. But my first is, ‘be brief,’ so this is all for now. […]

Commentary - Personal

The Hell Just Happened

Invocation There will be events in your life that are so monumental they become impossible to write about.  It becomes part of the cultural background,the lighting. “What’s water,” said the […]